#2 Basic Metalsmithing Kit

Regular Price:
Discount Price: $146.12
Save 15% when you purchase all items in the KIT TOOLS list below.
Use this discount code during checkout: #2KIT-15
You must purchase all tools in the kit to receive discount!
This discount cannot be combined with other discounts.
Kit Tools:
bench pin and anvil
needle file set, 6 piece cut 2
Sharpie Ultra Fine Point
scribe, double tip
Pro Shear
parallel hole punch pliers
rawhide mallet 1" size 0
chasing hammer
riveting hammer round face
saw frame 4"
cut lube
2/0 sawblades, 2 dozen (sawblades are sold in bundles of 1 dozen)
sandpaper Pack, grits: 180, 220, 400, 600
Suggested Metals:
(not included in 15% off promotion)
20g copper sheet
20g brass sheet
16g sterling wire for rivets
Suggested Supplemental Items:
(student must dig it out of a closet or purchase elsewhere)
paint stirring stick or similar