Lindstrom Tools is coming to town, February 18, Tuesday 4-6pm. They're bringing a trunk full of tools to share with us. Don't miss it!
Black Triangle Earrings
Slim Green Earrings
Slim Green Leaf shape Earrings
Obtuse Triangle Earrings
Oval Earrings
Rhombus Earrings
Obtuse Earrings
Circle Earrings
Vertical Knot Hoop Earrings
Horizontal Knot Hoop Earrings
Round Hoop Earrings
Red Enamel Galaxy Earrings
Periwinkle Enamel Galaxy Earrings
Yellow Enamel Galaxy Earrings
Blue Enamel Galaxy Earrings
Twinkle II
Countdown 3
Countdown 2
Countdown 1
Three Golden Square Dangles with Prehnites
Golden Square Dangle Earrings
Salmon Belly Earrings
Alaska Sun Earrings
Aqua Sunset Earrings