The Cold Truth
Artist: Laura Stamper
Materials: glass enamel, fine silver, sterling silver
Dimensions: 3" x 2", 30" chain
Beneficiary: Natural Resources Defense Council has worked to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. I think of the planet that my grandchildren are inheriting and it breaks my heart. So many of our fellow creatures face extinction. The human race cannot be far behind. Massive change is not necessary, it is urgent. This organization, directed by science, is far reaching in it's activities. From protecting the habitat for polar bears to fighting for affordable quality housing they are guardians of life on earth. For me, community is not just my neighborhood, it is all of planet earth.
Artist Statement: Polar bears are facing extinction. Their habitat is rapidly being destroyed due to global warming. As chunks of ice break away from the glaciers, they become stranded in the ocean of ever shrinking ice floes. Isolation leads to starvation. I chose the polar bear as my State/ment not only for it's tragic plight, but also because I think if is representative of what is happening to the human race. Lack of affordable housing and gentrification is displacing and isolating our most vulnerable communities. NRDC is committed to protection the environment for all of the life that the earth sustains.