Pine Bark Motif - Pine Song

Artist: Kathryn Kim
Materials: Mixed Media
Dimensions: 8x8 in

Artist Statement: Okan Arts’ yukata fabrics with a sukura motif and a pine tree motif inspired the colors, shapes, and choices of text in the pieces “Sukura Haiku” and “Pine Song.” “Sukura Haiku” features three poems written by Japanese haiku poets on the verge of death (So’oku d.1766; Setsudo d.1776; Kaisho d.1914). In each poem, sukura (cherry blossoms) figure prominently, signifying the transition between life and the yonder world. These poems appear in both Japanese and English in an anthology prepared by Yoel Hoffman. “Pine Song” is framed by the words of Izumi Shikibu, a member of the court during Japan’s Heian era. She is believed to have lived between 974 and 1034 A.D. English translations of her work are collected in “The Ink Dark Moon” by Jane Hirshfield and Mariko Aratani. In addition to individually cut and pasted letters, each collage contains a variety of papers, including washi and reproductions of katagami (Japanese textile stencils), as well as hand and machine stitching.

Artist Bio: Kathryn Kim is a printmaker and collage artist. Her formal training is in engineering and the law. As a lawyer, she understands the power of words, and she often frames her work around a phrase or sentiment of import. Using individually cut and pasted letters, Kathryn describes her approach as "painting with words," and she generally chooses language that is introspective, illuminating, or inspiring. Her work generally reflects the ephemeral nature of our world and the important role that art plays in capturing and preserving fleeting moments of beauty or significance. Kathryn is the Program Chair for the Northwest Collage Society and has built an online library of collage-related recordings that are available to members. In addition to producing these videos, Kathryn has offered workshops on diverse topics, including marbling, incorporating text into art, and the history and methods of scroll-making. She regularly participates in the NWCS's juried shows and has won a number of awards.

Fabric Motif: The jagged pattern is the Japanese pine bark motif. The pine tree represents longevity, good fortune and the steadfastness. It is iconic of the Japanese New Year as a symbol of renewal and a hopeful future!

This piece was part of the Yukata Inspired 2024, a collaborative exhibition between Okan Arts & Danaca Design featuring metalwork and collage. Learn more and view the entire collection HERE.