Jill Griffin | The Lesson Of The Peacock

Artist: Jill Griffin, Washington
Materials: sterling silver, peacock turquoise
Size: 8

Artist Statement: A treasured piece of peacock turquoise had been staring me down for months, it called out to be part of this ring. A large vase of peacock feathers — the train — was the inspiration for the construction of the ring, and it got me thinking of ways to incorporate the complex beauty of these lovely creatures. Confident, graceful and brave became a personal mantra for this piece.

Wanting to use pierced, riveted and kinetic elements, the ideas came flooding in. The design kept changing and became increasingly challenging. I spent hours thinking through how the piece would need to come together and what the order of steps should be. Terrified I’d make a wrong decision throughout the process of creating the ring, I was constantly reminding myself that ‘you can do this: be confident, be brave.’ What started as a mantra has since become my lesson.

The primary components were cut from sterling silver sheet and attached using wire, rivets and solder joins. Each of the 5 train feathers were cut out with a jewelers saw and further detailed with bench tools. The surrounding show feather patterns were created by hammering sterling silver nuggets into an antique, bell metal stamp seal and a newer shot plate.
In addition to movement I wanted an element of sound. Did you know when a male peacock shakes his train feathers it’s called rattling the train? There are 20 tiny pallions of sterling silver under the stone and they rattle inside when the ring is shaken.
To get something you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done. This ring is both a statement and a reminder: believe in yourself, be confident and be brave.

Artist Bio: A native to Washington state, I’ve been designing and producing jewelry in the Seattle area for close to three decades. I’ve always embraced the idea of handmade, preferring to make something out of love for the process. I love the joy that comes from sharing my work and inspiration with others.

This ring was part of Battle of the Rings: Ring Smackdown 2023, an online exhibition and competition. View the entire collection HERE, view the matches HERE, and learn more HERE.