
Artist: Jacquelene Moscou
Materials: Sterling Silver
Earring Type: Dangles
Dimensions:  2'' L x 2'' W

Description:  Inspired by Adinkra symbols (from the Gyaman people of Ghana and la Côte d’Ivoire ), that symbolize the richness of Akan culture and serve as a shorthand for communicating deep truths in visual form. The Faith earrings are the Adinkra symbol NYAME NTI. NYAME NTI means "by God's grace" and faith.Imprinted on sterling silver, these hand-crafted earrings are not only a unique fashion statement but tell a story of values, hopes and dreams.

These earrings are part of LOBES: An Invitational Earring Show on display in the Danaca Design Gallery Showroom November 12 - December 24, 2022. View the entire collection online HERE.